It's the most wonderful time of the year! No, I'm not a few weeks behind. I have decided that I love New Years more than Christmas. And that is saying something because the Hamby kids were raised LOVING Christmas. We have countless traditions that our wonderful husbands willingly inherited, and we reek of nostalgia from Halloween through Christmas morning. Yet, this year I have officially decided to switch my favorite holiday to New Years.
I get overloaded with motivation around the New Year. Also, there is no other time that I feel so refreshed by the Lord. I'm so thankful for his forgiveness and his refreshment. I feel full of energy, ideas, and goals. Ah wonderful goals. But more on that in a minute.
When I was in high school I would spend 4-5 hours every New Years day journaling and praying about the previous year and dedicating the upcoming year. Although I couldn't talk Micah into taking a 4 hour nap on New Years this year, I have enjoyed some time reflecting.
2009 made a run for one of the best years of my life. It was packed full of 'firsts.' I was pregnant for the first time. I had back pain for the first time in my life. I experienced 10/10 pain for the first time in my life (labor, obviously.) I had a baby. I brought someone back with CPR. Matt started his first official youth pastor job in May. We bought our first home. I cooked with prosciutto for the first time. I found a workout video that actually works. I hiked a mountain while nursing a newborn.
The year was also packed with refinement. The refinement was so deep, so intimate. It was about learning who I was "post-Micah" as a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a mentor. It was about realizing that nothing will make me a good mom more than further understanding and grasping God's grace and understanding with me. Refinement came in super size through some tough relationship issues as well.
And just like every year, God has been so beautifully faithful. And wonderfully gentle. This past year could have been brutal! I could have had post partum depression ( although I was crazy for about 3 weeks!), I could have been disappointed or unmotivated as a new mom, Matt and I could have had a tough year through the changes. But God's blessing poured down. And the refinement I have experienced have been accompanied with God's gentle leading hand and the whisper of his promises.
So, now, 2010! Here are my resolutions/goals. Bear with me, I know some of them are silly. ( By the way, silly has become a predominant word in my daily vocabulary, thank you Micah T)
*No pop all year
*No candy bars all year
*Memorize Scripture with my brother
*Meet with one girl from Matt's youth group every week. Matt and I want to increase the interpersonal aspect of ministry, hoping that more kids will know that they are loved and that they can begin to see life through a 'God lens.'
*Write one note every week
*Put energy into my spiritual gifts, primarily teaching. It's only a dream and prayer right now but I would love to lead a retreat for the girls at our church about purity, beauty, and relationships.
Ok, I'm being long winded. Happy New Year fellow bloggers!
YAY Rebekah! I love your goals, and LOVE hearing your recap! How fun, and how great to feel such contentment and excitement as you look back! I wish I could see you, I'd love to sit and talk for hours...but since I know that won't happen any time soon (we could barely get it to happen when we were in the same state WITHOUT kids!), I'll settle for reading your blogs...much love!