Question: what would be the BEST plate someone could set before you? Like what would be on it? Italian? Mexican? Maybe a breakfast feast? A plate brimming with decadent desserts? (That would be Matt's...)
Well I have a full plate right now. And it's one of the best plates I've ever been....served.
First, I'm lo-oving my full time roll as mama and wife right now. With Matt being done with school and having opening stuff done at church, we are getting a lot more time together, which makes me a much happier girl. (Side note, this time, right now, does not count as time together. The Hawks are on TV. Matt is not blinking, smiling, talking, moving....hold he?....oh, ok, he IS breathing. ) Also, Micah is at the funnest age ever. 18 months is a blast! We dropped the morning nap, and I love having more time together!
Secondly, Matt and I are going to Guatemala this week! We joined a team from our church and are headed to a village outside of HueHueTenango. I will be doing medical missions and Matt will be doing construction and vacation bible schools. We are SO excited to travel together, minister together, and hopefully, be changed forever. And the biggest blessing is that Matt's mom is flying out here to hang with Micah man!
Third, youth group is going awesome! We are settled in the new building, and it is really starting to feel like home (which is important to me, I'm kinda a traditionalist). But this year is bringing lots of growth. A year ago, Matt would have had about 30 in Sunday School. Last Sunday, he had 94. For real. We praise God for that, but in the same breath we are begging him for wisdom as we adjust to a bigger ministry and for His power to be evident.
Fourth, and most exciting is........dududah!!!!: ADORED! Remember that crazy little idea God planted in my noggin last winter? Well, after The Adored Conference last May, I felt called to 100% surrender it. I assessed it for about a week, gave it a 'B' that became an 'A' because God showed up. But then I just chose to cast it before the Lord and trust that his plans with Adored would be best, so I wasn't going to think or plan or wonder if I would ever get to do it again. And about a 6 weeks ago, I feel like God gave it back to me.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 says Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.
Not only are we putting on the Adored Conference again, BUT
1. BRITT NICOLE is coming to lead worship! She's about as big as it gets right now for Christian female artists. Here's my favorite! God has BLOW ME AWAY with this. The conference is going to end with a Britt Nicole concert open to the public.
2. We are inviting churches from all over the Denver area.
3. I have a wonderful facililty to work with in our new building.
4. This year I have a ton more help to put this thing together!
(if you want more info, check out )
It's kinda like I cast it away as a slice of sandwich bread, and it came back a.....croissant. :)
So squeeze in a bit of ER shifts and some morning runs and that's my plate right now. Not too busy, but enough going on that I'm not bored during nap time. :)
But here's the goodest part. :) All that stuff is public. Audible. Visible.
What I'm loving right now is the secret stuff. The fact that my heart is longing for intimacy with God like never before. The fact that I'm crazy dependent on God right now, understanding that apart from Him I can do nothing. And because of His grace, deep deep inside of me, I feel this craving to please God more than ever. The truth that the tough summer full of tears, frustration, and loneliness is now reaping the fruit of a renewed relationship with my Savior.
Those who sow in tears, will reap in joy. Psalm 126:5 Thank goodness.
How exciting! I rejoice with you for what God is doing in your heart, life and ministry w/ young people!
ReplyDeleteRebekah, every time I read your blog I find myself being drawn to your tender passionate heart for our Abba. With all He has going on in your life there is no doubt he is smiling, tickled by your obedience and surrender. It is palpable and magnetic. I am sure all those young women around you would attest to God's mighty workings in you. Keep up the good work, pouring yourself out as a drink offering. Much love to you young friend.