Last night at youth group Matt and I separated the boys and girls to give them 'THE TALK.' Relationships and dating are two things that Matt and I are very passionate about, and we are committed to talking about it at youth group, and in fact, talking about it a lot.
So I had a panel of ladies to answer questions from the girls. Let's face it, by junior high most of these kids already know more than I do! (And I have been pregnant!) But what I do know about is the sweet gift of saving myself for my husband and the downpour of blessings that comes with that. It was fun to reminisce on junior high romance. I got some laughs when I confessed to them that when I was in junior high I "dated" one boy. For one day. And he only had one arm. :) It's a true story. (He is an awesome guy, by the way) Then in high school I pretty much only dated one guy and was able to walk out of that relationship with no regrets. And then came my prince a Herky costume. God has been so faithful in this area of my life. Wow, what an understatement.
As I reflect on last night I am reminded of the promise that my God protects me. I love that verse in Psalm 139 that "You hem me in." I feel God's gentle hands so often, and I picture them. Like His gentle hands are cupped, one in front of me, and one behind.
One to keep me from returning to a lifestyle of sin, or a sin He has already defeated for me. Like Lot's wife I often find myself tempted to look backwards. Beth Moore says it best "Few things are more dangerous than looking back to that from which God has delivered us." I feel myself drawn to the same sins over and over again. In high school it was often flirting with eating disorders, now it is often the sin of a critical spirit and a desire for control. How quickly do conquered sins begin to look attractive again, and how quickly do I forget the burn of the consequences.
And the other is often there to slow me down. Ah, slowing down. I hate slowing down. Just ask that cop that pulled me over going 74 in a 55. (No worries--I got out of it) Or ask my high school cross country team when I would run preseason practices like it was the state meet. But God is so good to keep that loving hand there to serve as a bumper. Whenever I move too fast His hand is there to gently bump me back. It saves me from many a broken heart. Whenever I make hasty decisions it is there to prevent me from carrying out that decision. Often my ideas and plans are bad in themselves, it's just my pace that isn't right. I fully believe I would have zoomed past many lessons and revelations of my Lord if I was going the pace I was choosing.
The Lord's protection amazes me. I can sense it easiest only when I am spending time with Him, pouring out my heart to Him, and searching for His ways in Scripture.
Rebekah! I just found your blog, and am so excited to catch up on your life! Haven't read anything, but am about to read it ALL...hope you're great, I'm so happy to connect!